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Бізнесс Утіліти

PLEASE NOTE: You need a valid Skyhost account in order to use the TraceLog App.

Log your routes with the TraceLog App.

Data is automatecally synched to the Skyhost server, for back-up purpose, and to access the functions on the website.

View the the Routes for the last 14 days via the App.

Via the website you can see all of your routes on a maps, besides a lot of other useful information such as.:

- Save locations with an alias, so this appears in the logbook, for example: home address, work, office, customer 1, customer 2, etc.

- Correct private-business purposes if this was not correctly set at the time of the registration

- See the distribution of private-business routes

- Extracting various useful reports

PLEASE NOTE: GPS will automatically turn off after a longer period of inactivity to save power. Always remember to open the App. before driving, in order to activate the GPS again.

Please note: Continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life.

Skyhost ApS
Borum Landevej 6
DK-8471 Sabro
Phone: +45 86214000